Shakira is not only an international superstar but she is also a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. She went to Washington in support of the ALAS foundation which encourages early childhood development education in the Latin American world. ALAS is a "coalition of artists, intellectuals and academics and business leaders who have all come together to promote early childhood development initiatives, to defend the right that our children have in those first years, those first six years of their lives, to receive education and nutrition and proper care".
Right on the heels of this meeting though, the government released a statement notifying Early Intervention Agencies of significant cut in rates of pay. With so much attention and focus on early childhood development, it seems unfortunate that the people who are in early childhood development, those working with the 0-3 year old population who have worked for more than 10 years with no pay increase, and increasing paperwork will have to suffer a decrease in wages.