Disney's admission to this comes in the form of refunds to parents who have purchased these videos since 2004. It does remind us that although it is nice to have something with content that may actually stimulate your child's mind, instead of the type of show that will "rot your brain", clearly there is no substitution for you; the parents. It is a parents job, not a videos, to help foster and support the development of your child through play, books, picture card etc.
Even if these videos lived up to their titles, it's rare that your baby would be a genius or Mozart, but your child can do well and be at the top of the learning curve instead of the bottom, if you support and work with your child. Don't wait for someone else to do it. Don't think to yourself, well s/he'll learn all that in school, or through t.v. Instead, having a good parental work ethic can help your child meet developmental milestones and be prepared when s/he starts school. Basics like colors, counting and knowing the alphabet will start you on your way. For some other helpful suggestions Psychology Today offers really great advice here.