
Picture Schedules

If you are like most people, then you rely on a calendar, a plan book, or to-do lists to survive.  It is comforting to know what is coming next so we can plan our days or weeks and we can see an end to all the madness (at least for a little bit until it starts all over again). 

Just as it is comforting for us to know what comes next, kids need that comfort as well. It is helpful for them to know what their day entails. Picture schedules are a great way to help.  You can make picture schedules for each day, for weekly chores, or for anything you wish. It works because it lets your child see the fun things s/he gets to do as well as the work.  For example, if your child really loves going to the park but loathes homework, if you have a picture schedule, then s/he can see that after homework comes something more enjoyable, like the park, dessert, or t.v. time. 

The pictures can be used for even more than just picture schedules. You can use a picture card to tell your child to wait, be quiet, not to interrupt or anytime you are tired of yelling over your children or repeating yourself.  The possibilities go on and on. 

To use individual pictures, print the pictures, glue them on a heavier stock of paper (I use a file folder) then laminate. If you don't have a laminating machine, try using clear contact paper. For schedules you can velcro the pictures onto a bigger piece of paper after you laminate them so you can change the schedules when necessary. Have a 'To Do' and a 'Finished' column.

There are some great websites which allow you to print pictures of daily activities, emotions and every day objects. In general, the websites listed below provide materials and picture cards for children with communication disorders or Autism. However, these aids are a great way to teach young children and have your child understand their responsibilities because pictures provide a visual support in addition to your words. 

The following links will take you to sites where you can find many pictures to help you make a schedule for your child.

Sit down with your child and get creative. Have him/her help you choose the pictures and make a daily or weekly schedule and be on your way to a little less stress in your life. Let the pictures do the talking, so you don't have to.