During the holidays we get more invitations to parties and gatherings then other times of the year. If you have a baby that means one of 3 things. Option 1 stay home. Option 2 pay a fortune each time for a babysitter. Option 3 bring your baby.
If you choose option 3 and bring your baby, s/he may not be used to all the noise, people, etc. and it's possible to get a little fussy. Let me rephrase that. It's possible for your baby to get a little fussy. Ok and you too.
If your baby starts to get overstimulated by all the noise and commotion there are some things that you can do to help calm him/her down. The first thing would be to pick up your baby if s/he is not already in your arms, in order to offer comfort. If this does not work, find a quiet space to bring your baby and talk or sing to him/her. Leaving the chaos will let your babies senses take a break. None of us like a noisy, crowded room for too long, either, so think about it from your tiny babies perspective.
Once your baby is quieted, bring him/her back into the room, or if it's possible, leave him/her in a separate room to play in a pack'n'play or be watched by an older child.
Peace and quiet. There's a lot to be said about it. Just not right now.
Happy Holidays!